Rules and Regulations

The Bylaws of The Twin Hills Water District (PDF)

Added in 2022 Commercial Use Restrictions:

Water and services provided by the Twin Hills Water District may not be used for any commercial purpose; except:

  1. For, and by those who have, a cottage food licensed granted through the Department of Consumer Protection in accordance with CT Public Act 18-141.
  2. By contractors hired to do occasional work at a residence serviced by the District.
  3. Any other commercial venture pre-approved by the District which may or may not have an additional and reasonable use fee levied.
The fine for each occurrence shall not exceed $175 and repeated offenses may result in the shutting off of water to the offending property if the misuse were to negatively affect the District.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Who is The Twin Hills Water District? (THWD or "The District"). The district is a co-op water system owned and run by its customers- the neighbors of Twin Hills Drive and some other adjoining properties.
  • Who runs The Twin Hills Water District? The district is administered by the neighbors of the district on a volunteer basis. The wells and water testing are managed and maintained by a licensed well water company.
  • Is the water treated? No, there is currently no filtering or treatment of our water. The water is regularly tested for many quality/safety parameters.
  • Is this a for-profit company? No! We charge customers based on expenses and future needs of the district. This includes expenses for the well management company, testing, equipment repairs, electricity, administrative costs like postage and bank fees, insurance, and many other considerations. Again, most of the district runs on a volunteer basis by the neighbors.
  • How do the fees compare to a private company like CT Water? While it would be easy to hand over the ownership to a private company, the cost of water to most customers would increase significantly. Unlike private companies, the district does NOT meter your water use.
  • How will I be billed? We send out bills via mail every quarter. See the billing page for more information.
  • How can I pay? We prefer checks (including automatic payments sent by your bank), but we can also accomodate credit card payments with an additional service charge to cover processing expenses. See the billing page for more information.
  • How can I learn more, make suggestions, or get involved? A lot of information is available on this website; but best way is to attend the annual meeting. This meeting, typically held in early summer, will be announced in a prior bill that you receive in the mail. If you have any urgent concerns, reach out to someone listed in the Contact Us page.